Porcelain Dental Veneers


There are many factors that can influence the appearance of our teeth. As we age, teeth naturally tend to lose their luster, and can become worn down from use. Accident or injury can result in chips, cracks, or other damage. Lifelong issues such as spacing or tooth shape can also persist. Fortunately, these and other concerns can often be addressed with dental veneers.

What Are Dental Veneers?


Veneers are thin, sturdy shells applied to the front surface of teeth. This versatile cosmetic dental treatment is used primarily to  improve the appearance of teeth, although it may be recommended for restorative purposes as well. Veneers can be designed to replicate the original shape and appearance of a tooth, or used to enhance many aspects of your smile. Veneers often play a central role in smile makeovers.

At Aesthetic Dentistry Associates, we exclusively use veneers made of porcelain. Porcelain is both reliably sturdy and incredibly beautiful, creating a natural look. It can be shaded to match surrounding teeth perfectly, and resists staining. Porcelain veneers also maintain the strength of your teeth, allowing you to continue to enjoy your favorite foods comfortably.

What to Expect

Your dental veneers procedure will begin with a consultation with Dr. Umansky. During this visit, we will determine your personal smile goals and outline a treatment plan to help you attain them. This may involve an initial examination of the affected teeth, including X-rays or other imaging.

Porcelain Dental VeneersReceiving dental veneers typically takes two visits. On your first, our dentists will prepare your teeth to receive the veneers. A small amount of tooth enamel will be carefully removed to allow for the new veneer structure. Impressions of your mouth will then be taken. These will be used in the creation of the new custom restorations. You will receive temporary veneers to protect your teeth until your next visit.

During your second appointment, our dentists will carefully place the veneers and check that they fit perfectly. After making any needed adjustments, the veneers are permanently bonded to the teeth.

You may experience some degree of tooth sensitivity following the placement of your veneers, particularly to hot or cold foods and drinks. However, this should subside in a few days. It may also take a few days to adjust to your new bite pattern if it was changed by your veneers. Properly cared for, your veneers can last up to 10 years or more.

Getting Started

If you are interested in learning more about porcelain dental veneers in Humble, Texas, as well as any of our other cosmetic dental procedures, we invite you to contact our Aesthetic Dentistry Associates team today at 281-446-4700. We are eager to help you realize your smile dreams!