Sedation Dentistry

Women sedatedMany people feel anxious or distressed when visiting the dentist. At Aesthetic Dentistry Associates, we offer sedation dentistry to help you control your fear and receive the treatments you need. Thoughts and preoccupations about pain, distrust, and the need for additional procedures can often get in the way of receiving or completing your treatment, and we want to make sure that you can feel at ease in our office while we help you maintain or regain your oral health and smile. If you feel anxiety or fear at the thought of visiting the dentist, we encourage you to contact our team. We will work with you to find a solution that will help you receive the treatments you need.

Sedation Options

Our office provides several types of sedation, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. When you visit our dentists for a sedation consultation, we will discuss your oral health needs, treatment options, medical history, and any concerns you have to determine which type of sedation will be best for you. Your comfort is our primary goal.

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Nitrous oxide is an extremely safe sedative. It is inhaled to relieve anxiety and pain, and begins working quickly to help you feel at ease. Some patients report feelings of giddiness or euphoria; hence the name. You will be awake and able to respond to and ask questions. The effects of nitrous oxide will wear of shortly after you stop inhaling the sedative gas. This means that you will be able to safely drive yourself home following your appointment. Side effects are highly uncommon.

Oral Sedation

Sedation DentistyOral sedation is provided in the form of a pill or liquid medication. Our dentists may prescribe this medication for you to take before or at the time of your appointment. By the time you reach the dental chair for your procedure, you will be completely relaxed, but awake and able to respond to the dentist. You may not remember the details of your visit, and we advise having someone drive you home, as you may feel groggy for a time.

IV Sedation

IV (intravenous) sedation is administered directly into the bloodstream. The doctors at Aesthetic Dentistry Associates are trained and certified to administer IV sedation for longer or more complex procedures. You will be monitored carefully throughout your treatment to ensure your safety. With IV sedation, you will be conscious and able to respond, but may experience amnesia or feel as if you slept through your procedure following treatment. You will need to be driven home.

For more information about sedation dentistry in Humble, Texas, and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Umansky, please call us today at 281-446-4700.